- Finish basic wizards functionality.
- Create more wizards.
- Enable drag and drop in TreeView/ListView (with necessary changes
to the source).
- Design different icons for use in the TreeView and ListView.
- Design graphics for the wizards (hint, hint!).
- Design a nice splash screen.
- Create an HTML Help file for the system.
- Not much progress this week either...been feverishly printing out
the Inform Designer's Manual to get a grip on all of the possible
library properties, as well as embarking on learning Java (for profit,
dear boy, for profit!) which, of course, is taking up a lot of time.
Ho hum...hopefully I'll get on to it soon and have an update for alpha
release...keep watching this space!
- Not much progress this week as I have just decided that I don't
like where the New Object Wizard is going...I wanted it to allow the
novice to generate several different types of basic object using prompts
(which it does), but allows the more advanced programmers to add additional
properties (which it doesn't)...so I've been working on providing
these two features using a common interface.
- Generic Object and Class streams of the New Object Wizard are now
all 'complete'.
- Bug fixed: Phrases in Grammar Wizard are now laid out better.
- Bug fixed: Scenery stream in Object Wizard now pages back and forth
- Location, Scenery and Door streams of the New Object Wizard are
now all 'complete', but I expect to continue to make adjustments to
these as the New Object Wizard gradually comes together.
- Fixed bug that caused the program to crash when loading files with
a SACK_OBJECT (thanks Dave).
- Options bugs fixed (thanks Steve):
- The path and name of the Compiler and Interpreters were not
being saved.
- OK and Apply buttons are now only enabled if a change has been
- Font attributes (bold, italic, underline) are now saved and
reloaded betwen sessions.
- Colour dialog box now defaults to the current colour and cancelling
out of it no longer sets the font colour to Black.
- Posted interim alpha release 0.3.1
to get the above bug fixes out.
- Finished the Extend stream of the New Grammar Wizard.
- Enabled the identification of Synonyms during the load of a file.
- Show Synonyms in the TreeView.
- Finished the Synonym stream which completes the Grammar Wizard.
- Re-jigged the New Object Wizard to follow the method used in the
New Grammar Wizard. This allows me more flexibility to add extra steps
for each object type.
- Re-worked the Location stream of the New Object Wizard.
- Fixed bug in New Story Wizard that wrote the Serial without quotes
- Added extra error trapping during load to allow diagnosis of problems
by the user.
- Fixed bug whereby a 'standard' inform file that didn't end in '.inf'
but contained Headline and Serial values etc. did not load Headline,
Serial, etc. into the tree view.
- Started work on the Grammar Wizard, which will contain three streams:
New Verb, Extend existing verb and Synonyms. The New Verb stream is
complete, and work will continue with the others.
- Amended Option screen to allow the user to specify default paths
for Modules, Include files and the compilation output.
- Finished the Array Wizard.
- Constant SACK_OBJECT now links to the designated object.
- Array task_scores now resides in the Arrays folder instead of the
top-level Definitions folder.
- Posted alpha release 0.3 to the website for download.
- Finished PropertyDef, AttributeDef and Function wizards.
- Fixed the crash that occurred when attempting to add a new Global
variable after having deleted all previous Globals.
- Nested the 'Add' options in the tree-view pop-up menu as the list
was getting a bit large.
- Finished Includes Wizard.
- Finished New Constant Wizard.
- Fixed sorting problem in list view window when detailing object
- Fixed crash that occurred when cancelling out of the New Object
- Fixed the highlighting of erroneous lines by clicking on the compile
window so that it now reports and locates the correct lines (within
- Can't find the full installation file? Check the message board for
an explanation...
- Fixed broken link to the full installation.
- Added a message board for users to interact with.
- Uploaded the VB6 Runtime file, as at least one person complained
that they had downloaded the installation that didn't contain it accidentally,
and didn't want to download the full version
- Finished the Globals Wizard (apart from the graphics - hint, hint!).
Most of the other wizards will be based on this, and I intend to get
started on these straight away.
- Amended the List View to allow sorting by Type or No. of Lines as
well as Name.
- Posted a new Alpha release for download
- Changed the saving and loading to create and check for Inform-Explorer
Comment lines. These help break up the source visually, and are used
to check if the source has been amended outside of Inform-Explorer.
- Decided to rename InformEdit to Inform Explorer, and added a List
View control. Now, if one of the top-level folders is selected in
the Tree View, the List View displays the contents like Windows Explorer
- Finished the List View and enhanced it to show the module type and,
for objects, shows the type of object, e.g. Location, Door, NPC, etc.
- Finished the first of the Object-type wizards 'Location Wizard'.
This allows the creation of a basic location. Most of the other wizards
(e.g. Door, Generic Object, etc.) will use the same screens, so I
will move on to the other wizards first and come back to these later.
- Found and fixed a bug in the setting of screen fonts. Fixed this
and then noticed that the List View didn't change when the TreeView
font was changed. Fixed this too!
- Started contstruction on the Globals Wizard.
- Fixed the problem with grammar modules not formatting correctly,
and it all looks ok now.
- Some of the standard Inform examples are causing the load routine
to crash due to duplicate definitions of object or properties...aaaaaghh!!
- If the loading of a file has errors, the file is marked as 'dirty'
meaning that it requires a save before it can be compiled.
- Compiling a file that has changed was not asking the user if they
wanted to save the file first. This has been corrected.
- Changes to the source was not triggering the 'dirty' flag to be
set. This has been fixed.
- Have added checking for and logging of potential errors when loading
an Inform source file, which lists the code that has been dropped
from the source. This is required because some of the standard Inform
sample files have duplicate object or property definitions in them
which was causing the load to fail, and will help users who are importing
hand-cranked code that may have committed the same sin!
- Added 'on-the-fly' code formatting so that code is indented and
formatted in a standard way as the user types it. Needs more work
- Added syntax checking in formatting routine to check for matching
brackets and to highlight code in error.
- Added syntax colouring for syntax errors
- Added syntax colouring for directives, and changed the formatting
routine to check for them.
- Found a problem with grammar modules...they won't format correctly...I
need to find a way to let the formatting routing know what type of
module it's got.
- Quoted text strings are now re-formatted so that they fit within
the current window, with the '^' character forcing a new line so that
it appears a little more as it is supposed to within a game